
UGG BootSoldiers were concealed by the reading continued his father's death that the truth has to r

12 am, the flight flew from Beijing arrived in Yancheng Nanyang Airport. Open the door, dressed in camouflage ocean eyes red and swollen out of the cabin Wang Zhen, Yang Chao, deputy political commissar and uncle had stood before the channel to meet, patting his nephew on the shoulder. In the passenger exit, when the black chapter put his right arm pull, has been convinced that his father is still alive Wang Zhen, now finally understand that kind of father has indeed passed away. More than 50 days to care for his father's deep, instantly turned into endless grief and grief, he could not hold back ache in their hearts, tightly holding the uncle and aunt burst into tears ... ...

the way in to the airport, land and political commissar told Wang Zhen finally mellowed, his father had gone. Learned this sad news, Wang Zhen spot burst into tears, he said he did not believe my father so quietly away, did not even see the parade. Wang Zhen in comfort at the same time, land, political commissar of the telephone connected to the Yuan Yaping, on the phone, Yuan Yaping cried and told his son, my father really gone, let him be strong in any case, my father still at home waiting for him.

Body before his father, Wang Zhen cried.
meet mother cried together. Certificate
see his son, the mother is very pleased.
father, I give you respect a military salute.

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newspaper moved, called her 58 days weaving well-intentioned lies, 58 days alone to endure suffering. Yesterday, the mother Yuan Yaping look forward to finally have his moment - the son of Wang Zhen, the National Day parade in the capital of the task successfully completed, the glorious return home Dafeng. In that moment of truth, Wang Zhen, more than 50 days to unlimited care for his father, and instantly turned into endless grief. When he learned that his mother in order to complete their commitment to the remains of my father back home from Shandong stored 58 days, and weave a lie, is to make yourself successful completion by the reading task, the determination of the military can no longer endure live in the heart of grief, and my mother cried ... ...

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3 evening, Yuan Yaping want military leaders told the truth, but at 11:00 on the 4th or so, Yancheng Wang Zhen will be back on board the aircraft, military leaders are busy these days to withdraw troops withdraw equipment, it can not spare the manpower, only one person home alone Wang Zhen, Wang Zhen told the truth would not lead to an overreaction? Military leaders is quite worried about this. However, Yuan Yaping's insistence, Loke political commissar decided to use their referral to the hospital the opportunity to get to the airport Wang Zhen, and then in the car told the truth.

noon yesterday, when a reporter with Wang Zhen, uncle, aunt and other relatives and friends rushed to the Yancheng Nanyang Airport pick-up when the unit's deputy political commissar Wang Zhen Yang Chao has long stood waiting outside the airport. Through newspaper reports, many people also know the local 4 at noon flight back to Wang Zhen Yancheng, some members of the public early exit of passengers stood waiting Wang Zhen return.

soldiers by reading his father died in a car accident to conceal the death of his mother in tears (Figure)

he said he was a filial son, he did not make his son a little obligation to take care of my father, my father was working for him before going. Either to save money to buy a house for himself, my father will not live to do hard labor. At this point, see his son so painful, even more sad cry mother Yuan Yaping, almost fainting in the past. Wang Zhensheng afraid of problems with her mother, and quickly hugged my mother and comfort her mother to stop crying. Wang Zhen, deputy political commissar Yang Chao was also the scene of persuasion, Wang Zhen slowly began to get stronger, he took back from Beijing with there is no shame to you, this is my parade awards and certificates, you see it! Dad goes to familiar amiable looking face, motionless in tears. Remains around a week after my father, my father Wang Zhen to ring and knock a few heads,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boot[/url], and then trained from the parade of the most beautiful village of soldiers standing to the father of a standard military salute King, a long time refused to put down. Deputy Political Commissar Yang also represents the shore party team-ship missile sent a wreath.

Into a door, went straight to his father Wang Zhen's body, crying cry aloud the occasion: the sound. Father's body lying on the side, Wang Zhen, broke down in tears, this time, as before, to imagine how he pulled the father's hand to pat her father's shoulder, but this time, Dad's face has been deformed after impact, and frozen for 57 days, he was not unwilling to go to hurt her father, but in my father's body next to tears.

reporter Zhang Ling Faguo Ogawa

training period, land and political commissar also became ill and had to undergo hospital surgery. In the short hospital stay, land and political commissar Wang Zhen's mother Yuan Yaping has been in touch constantly give her encouragement and comfort, in this particular moment, only such as military leaders. Wang Zhen to be taken into account during the National Day to go home, land trust personnel, political commissar finally bought a plane ticket. Think twice, forces have been dared to tell this sad news Wang Zhen. Lu political commissar said that as a soldier, I hope he came home,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boot[/url], his father's misfortune can be strong enough to face.

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the way to the airport to know the bad news

Lu political commissar told reporters, Wang Zhen was carefully selected to enter the Beijing parade the village, in the original units, he is a good non-commissioned officers, although rarely speak, but loved by men . After the parade into the village, particularly Wang Zhen training hard in each of the examination, he was far ahead, the highest in the forefront of the party team. Lu also told reporters, political commissar of the current team is studying the side to Wang Zhen, please power.

evening, Yuan Yaping Lu political commissar of the call again, to express to him their concerns, political commissar of land that really is a problem, so we decided to continue to conceal the truth down. But when the showdown to Wang Zhen, told him in what way, military leaders and Yuan Yaping hesitated. Taking into account the feelings of Yuan Yaping, the unit has great respect for her opinion because her son is Wang Zhen, the mother is to understand his son's heart.

endless grief. He told reporters, after a car accident that my father, my father has not heard spoken, and doubted, but he has always believed that my father was still alive.

7 members of the public into a 4 to go back to Beijing, it is to the airport see Wang Zhen

8 月 8 morning, Lu political commissar of the army received a phone call from the original, that Wang Zhen's father died in a car accident. And Yuan Yaping in the call,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boot[/url], he felt sad the mother of a common and painful, but at this parade training has entered the most tense moments, the soldiers can not be less, but fortunately Yuan Yaping righteous, offered to let Wang Zhen know . Lu political commissar said, it is considered to conceal the matter, so the team did not engage in any form side,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boot[/url], Wang Zhen, a good incentive in secret training to repay his father had died and are suffering the pain of the mother, father and son successfully achieve their dream of glory.

arrival of Wang Zhen, the airport has become a time . A specially came from Sheyang mother with her daughter, the family are very impressed after seeing reports that she was weeping, read the newspaper. His daughter to school in Beijing, have been back by 7 aircraft, in order to see Wang Zhen at the airport side, it was decided to change the 4 to go. We must learn to grow up in the ordeal, you never lose a father, but you defend a military duty, successfully completed the task by reading, get everyone's concern and respect, I hope you can come out as soon as possible from the grief, with grateful heart back to society, always loyal to the motherland, to the people.

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8 August, Wang Zhen's father died, the mother and Wang Zhen military leaders began to hide up to 58 days of pain, again and again in Beijing Yancheng dialogue, including the great sorrow and torment. Wang Zhen, Yang Chao, vice political commissar with the words, their mother, like empathy and Wang Zhen, hiding the truth is also a pain, Wang Zhen, although they are a common soldier, but after nearly five years in daily life, have brotherly the situation.

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shore-ship missiles, according to Yuan Yaping and political commissar Loke side team program, originally prepared in the parade after October 1, Wang Zhen told the truth, I did not realize after the parade, Wang Zhen, a telephone, letting Yuan Yaping changed his mind. Parade just ended, his son out of breath in the parade village asked his father's details, but was Yuan Yaping block back. Put down the phone, Yuan Yaping into deep contradiction, the son was so excited, if we told him, no doubt a blow to his son, he must accept this fact, but there are three days away from home, these days his son will In most the suffering. Moreover, we have to wait to go home after three days, the father to be cremated, how his son's body had to bear?

to keep the father's hall before, this training ground Wang Zhen, deputy political commissar of the arms around Yang Chao said: grief and remember the home met my mother, do not cry. > When entering the house that moment, his father's portrait and black To see his son, nearly two months of anticipation, waiting, suffering, pain, moments from the Yuan Yaping heart burst out, his heart seems to have found a vulnerability to rely on, she suddenly stood up, went to a stride in front of Wang Zhen, a the arm around his son, At the moment, Wang Zhenjiang endure grief, resolute expression, he was tightly holding her mother, You say there is perception of the father, drink soup, and you believe it? strange do not blame my mother? In these circumstances, so the presence of all Yanmianerqi.

Wang Zhen is a parade village He twice was named the 'disciplined model', was awarded two times 'training model'. October 3 at 8 o'clock, Wang Zhen's political commissar Loke side team meeting just concluded forces gave reporters a phone call to reporters about the village of Wang Zhen,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boot[/url], the training in the parade.

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